Tuesday, June 9, 2015

AVG partners with ZTE to bring security to mobile devices

AVG partners with ZTE to bring security to mobile devices
source : engadget.com

Mobile security is starting to get attention, but still doesn't garner the same amount as the computer does. That doesn't mean it shouldn't be a concern, only that the average user isn't looking at it that way. However, we're starting to see that landscape slowly changing, with phones coming with built-in security software.

The latest will be devices from Chinese manufacturer ZTE, as the company has partnered with security firm AVG, which has long offered mobile apps to protect consumers.

"For many of us, our smartphones have become the primary device that we spend most time with, but ensuring mobile security can sometimes be an afterthought,” says Wang Xuemei, Business Manager at ZTE. "Our customers will be able to rely on our partnership with AVG to help take the worry out of connecting to their favorite websites, apps and using online services through their ZTE smartphones and tablets. We are committed to mobile security and strive to provide the best mobile experience possible to all of our users".

ZTE customers will get a free 60-day trial of the AVG Pro version, which they can elect to keep after that time, though a fee is involved. If they choose not to keep it, then it will default to the free version that has a few less features, but still should keep them safe.

"As we focus on helping to secure people, devices, and data across the globe, this partnership will ensure that new and existing mobile users have peace of mind by being protected from the outset, whether simply enjoying their favorite games or using useful online tools for banking or shopping" says AVG's David Ferguson.

No word was given about when phones will begin shipping with AVG pre-installed, but it likely won't take too long.

source : betanews.com

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